Friday, September 27, 2013

Modern Puritans

Modern Puritans don’t exist. However, there are still groups that are similar in their harshness of rules. Puritans escaped to America for religious freedom when the Church of England was formed. Puritans believed in strict rules and ruthless and cruel punishments if broken.

There is one religious group I should mention, mainly because it is very hard on the people, using shame and humiliation to keep people has followers. It is the Church of Bible Understanding.

The Church of Bible Understanding (formerly known as the Forever Family) was formed by former atheist Stewart Traill. He started his group in Pennsylvania, targeting people has young as 13 by drawing on their weaknesses. Throughout the 1970s, the group expanded to other parts of the United States. Traill, born in Quebec in 1936 is the son of a Presbyterian minister, who teaches that he is the reincarnation of Elijah, and that he knows the date of the return of Christ.

According to members of the group, they live in a commune and donate 90% of their income to the religious faction. Traill amassed a fortune and owns four planes and a half million dollar mansion. According to former members, Traill controls every aspect of members’ lives through harsh criticism, shame, and public humiliation. The cult also runs a mission in Haiti, where some former members claim Haitian children are indoctrinated in exchange for food and clothing.


  1. This is very interesting stuff. I think that you gave a good example and then you expanded on it in a very captivating way.

  2. I hadn't heard of the Church of Bible Understanding before today, and i found this piece about it really interesting, if not creepy (the church not the piece, to clarify). I liked how it both explained in great detail what this church is like, and connected it really well to the modern Puritan point. Nice job.
