Saturday, September 14, 2013

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

     Is John Proctor hero or stooge? The definition of hero is a man distinguished by exceptional courage and nobility and strength. A stooge is more of a stupid character. He may appear to be a stooge at times, but I believe is the hero of this story. Even though he died and couldn’t save anyone, the courage in him to go against Abigail really makes up for it.

     His affair with Abigail was his chance to save everyone. It would prove that Abigail is trying to kill his wife. It was a sin that destroyed his honor, and his wife did not want to destroy it and lied about it. Lying about it got Proctor in even deeper trouble.

     Throughout the play, he is an enigma. I could never figure out what his personality. At first, I thought he was a bigot since he didn’t go to church. The more I thought about it, I realized he is man of opinion and I respect it. Parris and Danforth are the ones I can’t bear to stand. They are so concerned about their reputation that they would kill a bunch of innocent people. Abigail’s course of action was based on their tolerance for admitting to witchcraft. This led to accusations of false people. Proctor rarely goes to church because he dislikes Parris’s way of church. This is something was not really tolerant back then, but is a choice that really effects the outcome of the book.

     Proctor may have done a couple of “bad” things, such as not going to church and having an affair. But that doesn’t mean he is a stooge. He had evidence against Abigail, and he tried to put her behind bars. However, the court was once again concerned about its reputation and Proctor lost. Out of the whole book, he is the one trying to save everyone accused, not just his wife. Trying to save others, not just his wife, is something hero would do. However, he doesn't follow Puritan beliefs and doesn't go to church. Therefore, I believe even Proctor committed a couple sins, he is more of the hero than anyone else in the story. 


  1. I agree with you that John was a hero but I don't see how not going to church makes you a bigot. A bigot is someone who hates people or ideas and I don't see how not doing something equals hating it.

  2. yes like matt had said that with the whole hero thing that you are right but this whole thing about him being a bigot but other than that it is good
